The One Goal, 4-Week Success System


Are you living a life you love?

What if you made One Goal
your #1 Priority for One Month?

Do you want to make more money? Find a job? Write a book? Lose ten pounds? Find the love of your life? Does life seem dull? Are you sleepwalking through your life? Are you accepting unacceptable behavior from others? Do you want to make a change in your life, but you don't know what it is or where to start?

Certified Life Coach, Rosemary O'Connor has created Love Your Life, a self-paced success system just for you to help you reach your Number One Goal.

Do You Have A Solid System for Success?
Here Are the Simple Steps You Will Take . . .

Choose One Goal!

Each week you will be emailed exercises and specific tools to help you identify and hit your Number One Goal.  

Focus on Your #1 Priority

Love Your Life will motivate and help you learn a practical, goal-setting system for prioritizing what is most important to you.

Become A New You Today!

When you focus on One Goal for 4 Weeks, the possibilities are endless. You'll be amazed at what you can accomplish.

  • Dream Big or Small.  Your #1 goal can be anything from health, relationships, parenting, career, money, organization, making more time for yourself, or ANYTHING you want!
  • 4 Weeks of Transformational Worksheets. You will receive a weekly email with worksheets to walk you through specific, goal-oriented exercises to reach your #1 Goal for the month. 
  • Two Coaching Sessions with Rosemary.
  • Once you learn Rosemary's practical, goal-setting system, you can use these tools over and over again.

Week 1 – Get Clarity and Take Action

In the first week, you will get clarity on what you REALLY want, set some attainable goals, and take the first steps to brighten up your life in recovery! Through powerful coaching exercises, you will create a clear roadmap to set you on your path to success!

Week 2 – Take Stock and Daily Success Habits!

In Week 2, you will take stock of your current situation - FAST - and then identify quick ā€Øgoals to change what’s not working in your life!  What are you tolerating, what's ā€Øfrustrating you, what do you think you SHOULD be doing, and what do you REALLY want?  You will get insights into what's getting in the way and learn to take action to move forward! This week will include learning Daily Success Habits - By making small changes to your daily routine (success habits) you can make BIG changes in your life! 

Week 3 – Declutter: Give your life a spring clean!

In Week 3, you will do a detox to get rid of the obstacles and energy sucks that are getting in the way of your well-being. I promise it won’t be as painful as detoxing from drugs, alcohol, or other addictive behaviors.

Week 4 – Design: Embrace your awesome, purpose-driven sober life with fresh energy and a positive outlook!

In Week 4, you will look at what you are hanging onto that is getting in the way of your goals. By letting go and cutting away the dead wood, you ’ll make space for new growth.  You will review your successes and learn other ways to keep you moving forward. 

I've seen tremendous growth in people who have committed to this program.

“At any given moment you have the power to say,
this is not how my story is going to end!”
Author Unknown

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