I was taking a new exercise class yesterday and I knew it was going to be a big stretch for me. Many intimidating pieces of exercise equipment were glaring at me. Large weights, steps stacked high, and huge ropes.
I looked around to assess all the other class members and I was sure they were all much stronger, thinner, more experienced. As I continued to make-up these stories in my head my fear grew and I doubted my ability. I often tell my clients when they are in fear-based thinking, “you are making up a story about the future so you might as well make up a good story.” I decided to take my own brilliant advice and congratulated myself on showing up for the class and decided to challenge myself. I made a decision to ‘compare me to me’ instead of comparing myself to the others in the room. To compare is to despair and only leads to unhappiness. The demands we put on ourselves for perfection is disheartening.
When it felt like it was getting difficult,I tried to stay present one repetition at a time and breathe. I cheered myself on and tried not to take the class so seriously. I danced to the music and had fun. When the class was over, I felt grateful my body was healthy and proud I showed up for me. God did not create junk and who am I to judge God’s creation. When we step into our own strength and power, we touch a place inside ourselves which is beautiful, unique, and whole.
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