Never apologize for trusting your intuition. Your brain can play tricks,
your heart can blind, but your gut is always right.
Rachel Wolchin
Some call intuition an inner guide, gut feeling, internal authority. Wikipedia defines the word intuition as ‘a phenomenon of the mind, describes the ability to acquire knowledge without inference or the use of reason.’
For me, intuition is like coming home and listening to that small voice within.
As children, most of us had a strong sense of intuition, yet we seem to lose it as we get older. Most children have a strong feeling of people who feel safe and situations which don’t feel right. We stop listening to our inner voice because we begin to reason with it, argue with it, and our rational linear minds want concrete proof.
In recovery, it seemed as though my intuition started to wake back up after the fog began to clear in my mind. There was a small faint voice...
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